Kamis, 20 Januari 2011

*Burp*... don't missed this hunt!

As crazy as school can get for me of late, I found time to do this amazing hunt and this awesome sale...

Though most stuffs are predominantly made by designers popular with the ladies... I didn't really give a flying f*** about it... ANYWAYS... lotsa stuffs can be worn by guys too, so lets not be so uptight, they'r really just prims, sculpts and textures...

Hair: 49L Sale for Dudes (not free) [Shag] - Misfit - cashmere : [ Shag ]

Tattoo: Seasons Hunt- PIDIDDLE - Chapped Lips & Cheeks.Nose /Full Face/ NoTeeth: Pididdle

Sunglass: 49L Sale for Dudes (not free) Alphavillain - The Ipcress Sunglasses : Alphavillain

Shirt: Seasons Hunt- Pig - Winter in Marfa: Pig

Pants: Seasons Hunt- Doppelganger Inc. - Frost Jeans : Doppelganger Inc.

Boots: Seasons Hunt - duboo.achoo set Boots: Duboo

Haversack: Seasons Hunt - TOSL *Winter Wayfarer* Backpack: TOSL

Radiator: Seasons Hunt - [kusshon] "best friend" radiator-to-go.: [kusshon]

Seasons Hunt ends in end Jan and 49L Sale for Dudes ends tomorrow on 22nd Jan! So You gotta hurry to do it!

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