Kamis, 25 Agustus 2011

Drawing Down The Night

Nothing like slipping into the bad boy outfit and drawing some pretty chalk pictures on an old road somewhere at night!

Animation and props: FIN - Chalk On Street (group gift) 

Hair: Black Maria - Free Hair Black
Glasses: Kumaki - Optino Free
Jacket: FIN- JohnnyD
Pants: Vitamen Girl - Design Jeans (Vt Red) (group gift)

Shoes: Santos - Chucks (see Yves blog on them today here)

Skin: Belleza - Jacob (It's been blogged here before too, but I think it's worth getting. If you've been waffling about joining the group for 250L stop it! You get a lot of different skins and gifts right away and they also have anniversary hair available at this time too at Belleza! It's really quite a good deal!)

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